Age: 17
Hometown: Pearland, TX
School: Shadow Creek High School
Year: Class of 2021

Career Aspirations:
Commercial Airline Pilot, Music, Business

Hobbies & Interests:
Aviation Photography, Basketball, Flight Simulators, Online Airport Architecture, Entrepreneurship: Music Production

Black Pilots of America (BPA): Bronze Eagles Chapter, Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP)

Why are you passionate about aviation?
I enjoy flying through the beautiful skies and soaring above the clouds. As soon as I take flight, any worries and frustrations I may have instantly disappear.

What is your future aspiration?
I would like to become a Southwest Airlines 737-800 captain. I also aspire to own my own music business, producing beats for music artists.

Why did you choose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT?
I chose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT because the program provides an amazing opportunity to accomplish major milestones on the way to an aviation career.